Smelt Roe Sushi Bernadetta: Try Something New

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Try Something New

Today, we live in the globalization era. There is no excuse to say “I couldn’t” because there are so many opportunities around us. Some people say that today a competition to get a job,for example is very hard, Meanwhile, for a student, a competition in a college to get a high score not the easy one. They think that when we apply for a job, it just needs a high score. But you got wrong !!! They need more than that. They need your experiences instead of your score. Yeah, we can’t ignore it, we still use the score to compare with our skill. But how we can get a good skill only to sit down and do nothing? We have to move around.
I think I have to get a new experience as much as I can. Meeting new people is a good step to start my opportunity to get a job,. Learn from them about what they do now, shares my problem with them and they will help me. Now, I teach English for high school student. This is my first time to teach someone else out of my friend. We never met before, but I have to make a good relation with my student, not that easy one.  I also feel nervous when I’m teaching, still looks so clumsy and I realized it. FYI, I’m not an easy going person. Mostly when I meet new person  I didn’t talk too much unless I have an important thins to do with them. Sometimes, I feel envy with someone who can talk without lack of topic to talk to and I asked to myself “Can I do that matter?”
I try to accept myself no matter it is. I explore what I have to do as 19 years old. I’m getting old and this is time to earn money with my own effort. I hope with I start as soon as I can then, my skill will improve to go better. Beside that, my father has retired from his work and I feel like I’m so stupid person if I still depend on my parents to get a money. Sometimes, when my friends spent too much money for only lunch or dinner and I think they too much thinking about prestige. Remember, you get money from your parents, so be wise managed your money. However, I need you pray for me guys so I can through it and never give up when I get a trouble because when I decide to stop, it means I lose my opportunity. 
I had an experience when I was in high school. I was qualified to join the  biology olimpiad and we trained about 2 months before the day came. But, I prefer to resign because the book that I have to buy was so expensive. When I told it to my friend, they said “Why you so stupid? That’s a good opportunity for you and you just let it go so easily”. At that time, I was never thinking about that, I only do whatever I wanna do. That’s why I always appreciate every single opportunity that come to me and I have to fight for it.

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